There were rigorous celebrations from the “winning” side with snide comments and looks of “haughtiness” at the “losers” from the “winners.”
Outcries of election interference by foreign states. Chants of that’s not my president! Protests were rapidly scheduled. Tensions were high, violence inevitable. Right before the first fist fight, before the first “sniper shot” and juuuuuust before the Molotov cocktail was lit, I decided to return to my body and report this, current day.
How’d we get here?
Vote Democrat, we are imperfect, but the other side is crazy!
Make America Great Again!
Trump and his followers are racist!
Kamala and her followers are woke!
Sound familiar? Arguments over immigration, GDP/ the economy, crime, go vote early, healthcare, social security, etc.
The “People” have been beguiled to believe that a “savior” must be elected to “fix this mess.” Led astray from the fact that the “People” are the solution.
There’s no secret the country and the world have big issues. Always has and always will. Certainly, there is a sliding scale one way or another as to less or more issues.
All the arguing, squealing, noise, and energy syphoning, again just to lead astray that the “People” are the solution.
The scope is too large to fit here. For simplicity, lets establish and agree the following: strong individuals build strong relationships which builds strong families which builds strong communities which builds strong regions which builds strong countries.
Boiled down, the individual is the foundation. Which foundation do you want built up from, rock or sand? You choose.
An individual being capable and able with capacity to think clearly and critically is the best foundation. Individuals being self-reliant, not with the aim to be lone wolves, but to be capable and able is the baseline to build off of. The aim to be more useful, to not be a burden but an asset which can be plugged in a part of various levels.
Elections are going to election. I’m not saying they are unimportant. Those elected, however, are not saviors. People building themselves, looking for and finding ways, taking initiative (look at the response of the “People” post Helene) is more enduring than any election cycle result.
We are the answer, striving to be more useful, aiding each other in true Unity. You/We still got it! We witnessed it!
So, now that you know the 2024 election results and what the cure for our collected sickness is, will you be proactive in administering said cure?