Your Life is Your Fault!

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“If you’re not getting what you want, it is probably because your goals are poorly defined.” Paul J. Meyer

Dayuuuum! When I read that my tummy felt weird. Like how you get if you ever ride roller coasters, and you go down a hill weird. The quote goes on to remind readers that Clarity is extremely powerful. The reason my tummy felt so, I believe is that the words jumped off the page and Jap slapped me upside the melon.

I’m sure you may have had that happen, something speaking to you. This caused me to reflect and think. Times in my life don’t go as planned. Sometimes things are just going. Meaning, not great but not bad. You know the saying, ” I can’t complain.” I, however, don’t want to merely have a life just go along. I refer to this as being rudderless. Like the sailboat part a rudder. An objective, purpose or thing you’re aiming toward is a rudder, in my mind. Without one you just drift wily nilly.

Man, sometimes in life I get everything I want. The girl, the inflatable raft, the pickup truck, the gun. The steak. The sunset. What can I say, I’m not a difficult dudeski. Sometimes, I get everything I want. But then man, sometimes shit is just out of whack. Not going well, overwhelming and, rarely, but sometimes a freaking dumpster fire. Like just getting kicked in the nuts by life repeatedly and when I’m bent over catching my breath, just for funzies life kicks me in the nuts a few more times. For good measure.

What I’ve realized is that I lacked Clarity in these times. I wasn’t disciplined (yeah that dirty word) in what i wanted. I wasn’t clear. I lacked clarity. This spoke to me, and I’ve used it at times without knowing. After reading that it aides me in turning things around. It ain’t a spell that just organizes life, but it is a reminder of how to reach goals or get what one wants.

So, “If you’re not getting what you want,” perhaps it is “because your goals are poorly defined.” If you object. Take it up with Senior Meyer.

Be Blessed and Stay Dangerous,

Vet out!

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